Equipping Dads for their greatest adventure
Becoming a dad is a remarkable transformation. It turns ordinary men into great ones. Almost overnight they become heroes, leaders, protectors and providers to their little one(s). How well fathers embrace their newfound responsibility will directly impact the future their child has - for better or for worse. To carry the weight of that on ones shoulders is tough. Which is why The Father Hood exists. Dad's helping dads to navigate the challenging journey ahead for the betterment of their kids.
Getting dads together with other dads (The Father Hood) is great for helping to navigate the challenges of fatherhood. We design all events to help you build epic memories with your kid(s). Plus, it gives mum a break which gets you bonus points, even though you are having fun. Told you we had your back.

Dad-venture pack
Resources and kit to equip you for your dad-venture.