Light a
For strong men going through tough times.
Every great mountaineer has that story.
The one where they got into trouble, and nearly paid the ultimate price.
It always starts well. But then something terrible happens. Something that they couldn't foresee or control: a freak snow storm, falling rocks, an avalanche, a sudden illness. With the sun going down, and darkness surrounding them, they have nowhere to go. Their fate is out of their hands. They literally can't see any way out - one wrong step for example, and they are dead.
So, they do the right thing. They light a flare and call out for help. Sometimes, the mountaineer is helped and they are able to continue their climb. Other times, they get brought back down the mountain - down but not out. They will climb again. Better, stronger and wiser.
Life is like that. Tough times come to everyone. Sometimes it feels like being on that mountain ledge - overcome by darkness with seemingly no way forward. When that time comes - don't do it alone. Light a flare.
How it works

Step 1 - Light the flare
Simply fill in the form below or email us, and we will get in contact within 24 hours to arrange a meet up.

Step 2 - Meet with us
We will meet where you want, when you want (for coffee, a walk etc) to chat things through.

Step 3 - Create a plan
Need longer term chats? Count us in. Need counselling or other support? We will help you find the right option.